
Welcome to this site dedicated to exploring the nature of thought and Mother Nature, both are very closely related. It is an attempt by me to understand “What Is”.

To know “What Is”, is more than a life long task, but once you know it, you are free, you are liberated …. it is a process of going beyond thought. No one can put in words the Way … words are an attempt to understand, to communicate, words can only point to the Way. Words cannot tell you what the End is; it can help in making one aware of the obstacles in the path …. We are engulfed by cosmic delusion (collective illusion) and maya ( personal illusion ). Again words can be used to only explain these phenomena, but to get anywhere close to ‘What Is’, one has to experience these illusions in one’s Being. This takes me to another catch phrase, which is hardly understood, ‘To live in the now’. On the intellectual way, it is very catchy, but very difficult to comprehend and live it …

In this blog, I intend to highlight the reasons why we are unable to comprehend and live it … What do I mean when I say ‘engulfed’ by cosmic delusion and maya.